Health and Safety

Taking Health and Safety Seriously

Here at Morclean we take Health and Safety seriously, and provide adequate control of the health and safety risks arising from our work activities. We consult with our employees on matters affecting their health and safety while providing and maintaining safe plant and equipment. We ensure safe handling and use of substances and provide information instruction and supervision for employees.

Morclean ensure all employees are competent to do their tasks, and to give them adequate training. Our aim is to prevent accidents and cases of work-related ill health and to maintain safe and healthy working conditions.

Our Health and Safety Policy is reviewed as necessary and at regular intervals.

To ensure our clients and employees have full access to our readily available Health and Safety information, we also publish our Company Policy, Risk Assessments and Method Statements on line. The below index will guide you to the appropriate pages.

Health and Safety Policy [PDF 1.4Mb]
Company Policy
Risk Assessments
Method Statements

morclean safety

Click to download a PDF document of our Health and Safety Policy.


Health and Safety Policy [PDF 1.4Mb]

PDF Available Soon. Please call for more information.

PDF Available Soon. Please call for more information.

PDF Available Soon. Please call for more information.