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new e-series steam cleaning machine

The Arrival of the New 2019 Product Test and Trial from Morclean’s R&D!

What, no batteries needed? So, what’s this all about then? Well, for those that don’t know, most steam cleaners and pressure washers need either an engine or generator to power them. More recently, manufacturers have also added batteries to replace the energy needed, which can be large, heavy and, ultimately, expensive. There’s typically just not…

WashPad Installed at KTM Silverstone

It’s been all hands on deck recently at Morclean HQ, not that we’re complaining! Our innovative WashPads have been absolutely flying out to clients looking for savvy, cost-effective vehicle washing solutions all over the world. From Bristol to Bangkok, London to Livingstone, Morclean Wash Pads have so far been installed to car dealers, docks, retailers,…

New Product Launch at Cleaning Expo 2019

ThermaSteam Compact Launch at Cleaning Expo 2019 Earlier this year we launched our 100% chemical free graffiti removal machine, the ThermaSteam. Boasting fantastic features such as a low water consumption rate and a large water tank, the ThermaSteam definitely turned some heads. So much so, it won the Innovation Award for outdoor cleaning at The…

chemical free graffiti removal

The Planet-Loving Way to Remove Graffiti

Chemical Free Graffiti Removal   As the way, we treat our planet is becoming more of a problematic the topic each year, it’s important that we all do our bit to be kinder to our home; it is the only one we have after all. One of the issues that we, as a society, need…

Litter Collection Trolley Vacuum

Litter Vacuums go to North Eastern Councils

Over the years, Morclean have been trusted suppliers of many council organisations all over the UK. From BinWash machines to Industrial Vacuum Cleaners, we’ve supplied it.  Our most recent client was a local council within the North East. The client wanted Morclean to supply some Litter Collectors in order to keep their streets and parks,…